Stop Harassing Phone Calls, Repossessions, Utility Shutoffs, Foreclosures and Lawsuits TODAY
If you are facing financial nightmares such as property repossession, utility shutoffs, debt lawsuits, property liens, foreclosure, or just don’t have enough income to pay your bills, you should consider hiring our Uniontown bankruptcy lawyer. Kim Kovach, Uniontown bankruptcy lawyer, is well-versed in the various laws of bankruptcy and can give you advice on the options you may have.
By providing legal assistance, our Uniontown bankruptcy lawyer can help you eliminate your debt by liquidating non exempt to pay off your creditors. (Most assets or property are exempt from liquidation under Chapter 7) If you need to reorganize your debt, our bankruptcy attorney will assist you filing a court-approved repayment plan under Chapter 13 of the bankruptcy code to pay back your creditors iover three to five years.
If you are thinking about filing for bankruptcy Uniontown bankruptcy lawyer Kim Kovach has the knowledge and experience you need. Our Uniontown bankruptcy lawyer will work with you and determine which bills you can eliminate, which property and assets you can retain, and what type of bankruptcy you can file. When you meet with Uniontown bankruptcy lawyer Kim Kovach for the first time, she will review your unique situation, discuss all of the options, and find the right solution for your future.
Kovach Law office is a debt relief agency. Kovach Law Office helps people file for bankruptcy relief under the Bankruptcy Code.